miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Life in Argentina

Life in Argentina is very good,to be a cool person you have to go to the "bailanta" or the "boliches" to be cool. you have to lisyten to ºcumbia muºsic or regetton, the music that are in the bailantas, there are very cool.
You have to be careful where you go because in some pleases the people can steal you.
Go skating whit friends is very good but, in some pleases you cant go because is for profesionals.
MY life is very good,

"Report to recruit people"

The purpose of this report is to inform Hitler how to encourage young people to come to the nazi party
 Teenagers at these time can't eat very well because the war is in Germany;if your son wants to come to       the nazi party he can eat very well.We can offer snacks,cheetos,candies and other types of food.
Teenagers can't listen to the music that they want because of the war.If they come to the nazi party they can have plenty of time to listen to the music that they want.We also have music like rock,cumbia,etc.
As a conclusion I recommend taking my tips into consideration.